
About trial version

  • You can not use it for purposes other than trial use.
  • The act of using both the product version and the trial version in the same project is prohibited.

Restrictions on trial version

  1. Core processing can not be edited because it is made into DLL.
    Reverse engineering is prohibited.
  2. Build not available.
  3. Data is not compatible between trial version and commercial version
  4. “Open Asset Store” button appears in the Logic Editor Window.


  • We are not responsible for any damage caused by installing the trial version.


Download “Trial” LogicToolkit_Trial_1.7.2.unitypackage – Downloaded 211 times – 946.36 KB

System requirements

Installation steps

  1. Download unitypackage from the download button above
  2. Drag and drop files into a project created with Unity
  3. In the “Import Unity Package” window, click the “All” button to select everything.
  4. Click the “Import” button.

Asset Store